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cups. Lyrics

Album/Collection: Beaucoup Fish
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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bubble girl   you feel like a movie
bubble blow   bleed faster   	liquid
bubble fish   take fast slow    fast slow
bubble fast   slow down         big slow up

blue	blue

blue	blue

little girl   you chew gum then i'll come to you
bubble blow   bigfastup   bigfastup fishtank
bubble fast   slow down   big slow groove
bigfastup     heavy wings gone
dripsadly     into liquid
dripsudden    think of something quick
drips faster  sometimes into my hand
falls apart

fools imagine to slow bank

slow     slow      fans

       sneak up lights across the horizon
         sneak up last light in moonlight
            party crashers over the ocean
		       left to right

bubble blue   you comeback       you slowdown
bubble blow   bigfastup          bigfastdown
bubble fish   take fast slow     fast slow

a-bubbli - ng and bubbl-ing and bubbling


cups. Lyrics

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