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Album/Collection: Independent
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'm tired of the games we play
I'm cashing in my chips today
and while I have my sanity
I'm taking what is close to me
I still have my integrity
my honor and my pride
these are things you cannot take
so don't waste your time
I'm tires of things I wouldn't do
I'm tired of things I wouldn't say
I'm tires of all the pleasantries
it's all a part of the game we play

now I see
I cannot be what isn't me
now I know
I'm not part of the bigger show
now I feel
the person I am is truly real
so to you
I have revealed my basic truth

a trying thing this life we lead
some obscured reality
a constant fight for privacy
to preserve my sanity
what you've got's not what you see
perspectives change from you to me
is this what your trying to be
a mirror of society once inside the looking glass
colors fade so very fast
who are you, do you know
or just a face for the freakshow

now I see
I cannot be what isn't me
now I know
I'm not part of the bigger show
now I feel
the person I am is truly real
so to you
I have revealed my basic truth

a trying thing this life we lead
some obscured reality
a constant fight for privacy
to preserve my sanity
what you've got's not what you see
perspectives change from you to me
is this what your trying to be
a mirror of society once inside the looking glass
colors fade so very fast
who are you, do you know
or just a face for the freakshow

now I see
I cannot be what isn't me
now I know
I'm not part of the bigger show
now I feel
the person I am is truly real
so to you
I have revealed my basic truth


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