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Empty Pockets Filled With Love Lyrics

Album/Collection: Mr. President (1962)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Empty pockets but a heart full of love
A heart full of love for you

Cash not any, not one red penny
But kisses many for you

Empty pockets but a heart beating fast
As fast as the stars above

Please say that you'll get by with just a guy
With empty pockets filled with love

You can't eat love, you can't drink love
You can't wear love like you would a gown

I trust love but just love
Won't pay for caviar
Won't buy that motor car
Or a house in town

You can't spend love, you can't lend love
You must end love when the chips are down

Love flies out the window when there's nothing to eat
Nothing to drink, nothing to wear but a frown
And the chips are down

Empty Pockets Filled With Love Lyrics

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