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Broke Down And Busted Lyrics

Album/Collection: Runt
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Look at this empty face,
  Look at this broken frame
  I have been no other place
  And you know I've heard no other name.
  How can you keep me so?
  How can I let it go?
  I look the worst that you've ever seen
  Is it too much to ask what that's supposed to mean?
  You've been playin' around and I played the part
  Of a broke-down man with a busted heart.
  Reach out a hand and see
  What you have made of me
  Take a good hard look and then
  Close your eyes and
  Ask yourself again
  How can you keep me so?
  How can I let it go?
  You know that I would go anywhere
  That I could go in my old wheelchair
  Though I wouldn't get far 'til it fell apart
  I'm a broke down man with a busted heart.
  How can you keep me so?
  How can I let it go?
  You know my state as you hear my song
  You'll change your mind if I live that long
  Couldn't start it again
  Nothing's left to start
  But a busted man with a broke-down heart.

Broke Down And Busted Lyrics

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