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Hitchin' A Ride Lyrics

Album/Collection: Nimrod
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Hey mister, where you headed?
Are you in a hurry?
I need a lift to happy hour
Say oh no
Do you break for distilled spirits?
I need a break as well
The well that inebriated the guilt
1, 2...1, 2, 3, 4

Cold turkey's getting stale
Tonight I'm eating a crow
Fermented salmonella poison oak
There's a drought at the fountain of youth
And now I'm dehydrating
My tounge is swelling up as say
1, 2...1, 2, 3, 4

Trouble times
You know I cannot lie
I'm off the wagon
And I'm hitchin' a ride

There's a drought at the fountain of youth
And now I'm dehydrating
My tounge is swelling up
I say SHIT!

Hitchin' A Ride Lyrics

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