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(You're A) Strange Animal Lyrics

Album/Collection: Strange Animal
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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Well they say I should approach you
With caution
But not to let you be aware of my fear
Never know what you'll find
Don't understand your kind 'round here
Watching your moves
They look so radical
Hearing your words
They sound fanatical
Something inside reveals you're magical
How can I get enough

You're a strange animal
That's what I know
But you're a strange animal
I've got to follow

They've been trying to stick a line
In your system
Analysing the defenses you hold
Trying to open wide
Hoping to step inside your soul
But everything here is unfamiliar
Nothing they've seen remotely similar
How can it be you're so peculiar
How can I get enough


O Ominous Spiritus!

(You're A) Strange Animal Lyrics

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