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After Dark Lyrics

Album/Collection: Greatest Hits
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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There is not anything I would not do to ease your troubled mind
Where you are, there is a different feeling
I wake up, I'm on the ceilin', opens up your eyes 
What a shape, someone you can't forget for any time 
Oh, let me show you mine immediately

After dark where the lights start fading sweet and low
I wanna be there, I wanna be there 
We leave immediately
After dark where the lights start fading sweet and low
I wanna be there, I wanna be there
We leave immediately, after dark

There is no limit that I would not go if I could lie beside 
Where you are, there is a different world out there
Love in the jungle can be hard to realize 
What a shape, someone you can't forget for any time
Oh, let me show you mine immediately


There is not anything I would not do to ease your troubled mind 
Where you are, there is a different feeling 
I wake up, I'm on the ceilin', opens up your eyes
What a shape, someone you can't forget for any time
Oh, let me show you mine immediately


After Dark Lyrics

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