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Autonomy Guitar Tablature
This is a great song from the masters of Brit-punk guitar.
It contains two great riffs. 

Riff 1- Each cord is played as a triplet

 F   F   Eb  D    C   Bb  F   

Riff 2- played over the chorus, and used as the coda

F#                 Ab                Bb

I,          I want you       autono- my

***Song Chart*****


	Drums for two measures

	F for eight measures

	Riff 1 twice

Verse 1

	F                                 Bb    F
	It's a thing that's worth having, Yes I would

	F				  Bb     F
        (something,something,something),  If it could

	Riff 1 twice

	F for two measures (w/ neat fills)


	As above
	riff 1 twice

Verse 2

	F                                Bb     F
 	(something,something,something), and it should 
	F                                Bb      F
	(something,something,something), for the good

	Riff 1 twice

	F for two measures


	As above x2

	Riff 1 twice

Verse 3 (repeat verse 2)

	Riff 1 twice

	F for two measures

	Chorus riff until the song ends

I would love to see someone with a better ear than I Tab out the solo 
over the coda and the fills before each chorus. And someone please help
with the lyrics!

Next guitar tablature in Buzzcocks