Home > Rock & Pop > Pennywise >
Wouldnt It be Nice Guitar Tablature
Tabbed out by: Jake
Band: Pennywise
Song: Wouldn't It Be Nice?
E-mail: [email protected]

Sense the bridge solo thing is short and unimportant to me 
you can figure it out.


e   --------
B   --------
G   --------
D   --------
A   -3~~~~--
E   -1~~~~--


e   ------------------------------------------------------------------
B   ------------------------------------------------------------------
G   ------------------------------------------------------------------
D   -33-66-88-5565--33-66-88-1010--33-66-88-5565-----------888888-66--
A   -11-44-66-3343--11-44-66--8-8--11-44-66-3343--66666666-666666-44--
E   ----------------------------------------------44444444------------


e   ------------------------
B   ------------------------
G   ------------------------
D   -3-6---6--86---3-6------
A   -1-4-6-4--64---1-4-6-3-- Not stabbed.
E   -----4-------------4-1--
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