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Some Kind of Monster Guitar Tablature
Band: Metallica
Song: Some Kind of Monster
Album: St Anger
Tabbed by: Jordan Adshead
Tuning: Drop B  

Low-  (B  F#  B  E  G#  C#)  -High

Comments: Okay, sorry about the other time I submitted this, I was outta tune when I first tabbed it, but I'm in tune now and I made my corrections, thanks for the feedback, well, the feeback that wasn't from the asshole... you know who you are :-p

Intro - Both gtrs
c#  ------------------------|-----|
G# -------------------------|-----|
E  -------------------------|-----|
B  -------------------------|-----|
F# -------------------------|-----|
B  0-0-3-5-0--0-3-5-0-3-5-0-|-3-5-|

Main Riff - Both Gtrs
B  --------------------------------|
F# 0-00-3-5-0-0-0-3-5-0-3-5-0--3-5-|
B  0-00-3-5-0-0-0-3-5-0-3-5-0--3-5-|
              .       .     .

This version of the riff is used a lot in the song too - Both gtrs
B  ----------------------------------------|
F# 000000-3-5-0--0-3333-5-0-3333-5-0-333-5-|
B  000000-3-5-0--0-3333-5-0-3333-5-0-333-5-|

Riff One - Gtr I
c# ---------|-0-|
G# ---------|-0-|
E  ---------|-0-|
B  ---------|-0-|
F# 333--5-0-|-0-|
B  333--5-0-|---|

Riff One - Gtr II
B  0-3-5-0-|-7b-|
F# --------|----|
B  --------|----|

Verse Riff - Gtr I
F# ---5s6---55-5-|
B  00-----0------|

Verse Riff - Gtr II
F# ----------|
B  5bgr-4bgr-|

Interlude One - Gtr I
F# ----------|
B  0-0-3-1-0-|
   . . . . .

Interlude One - Gtr II
B  -------7b-|
F# ----------|
B  0-0--0----|

Pre-Chorus- Both Gtrs
F# 1--1--1-1--1-|-3-4-|
B  1--1--1-1--1-|-3-4-|

Chorus - Both Gtrs
F# ----------------|----------------------------------|
B  3-5-0-0-3-3-5-0-|-3-5-0-3-5-0-2-5-0-3-5-00-5-3-5-0-|

Interlude Two - Gtr I
B  ------3-4-----|---|-----|
F# --------------|-1-|-----|
B  0--0------000-|-1-|-111-|
             ...     ...

Interlude Two (PII) - Gtrs I and II
F# 0-44-0-44-|-------|
B  0-44-0-44-|-5s6-4-|

Chord Part - Gtrs I and II
E  7-6-5-4-7-6-5-4-|-7s4-|
B  7-6-5-4-7-6-5-4-|-7s4-|
F# 5-4-3-2-5-4-3-2-|-5s2-|
B  ----------------|-----|

Outro - Gtr I
E  15-15-15-13-13-13-13H15-13H15-13-|
B  ---------------------------------|
F# ---------------------------------|
B  ---------------------------------|

It's all up there, every note, you'll be able to work out the riffs for yourself, they're easily distinguished, have fun!

- Jaytrixer (Jordan Adshead)
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