Hope You like It Enjoy
H.......................... H.........................
H...................... H............................
Verse Rhythm
twice then with "This morning I made the call"
w/ "But *** the well' gone dry"
w/ "Not for the money... etc"
P.M...... P.M...
w/ "But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado"
"In the eye of the tornado........ Blow me away"
W/ "Who's to say..... What for me to say..."etc
W/ "Who's to say what's for me to do?"
w/ "Cause a big nothing it'll be for me...."
play a few times then "The land of opportunity"
*heres guitar II that comes in later
*=Vibrate with bar *bar DOWNgradually up
*T=trem pick
|------------/14p10----10-14p10----10-14p10 14p10---10-15p10----10--|
w/ "Cant say what's" etc
Guitar 1 "Riff A"
Guitar II
Verse 4 w/ Riff A w/ "Well, I warned you of the fate" etc
At the end of verse four, Guitar 2 comes in again during "You feel my fingertips" etc
Finally... The End