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Biscuits For Smut Guitar Tablature
Artist - Helmet
Song - Biscuits For Smut
Album - Betty
Tabbed By an18nin18

Tuning - Low to High - A, A, A, A, G, C#

Note - Tune the 6th, 4th, 2nd and 1st strings down to their relevent notes (use heavier string gauges).  Tune the 3rd string up to A (use a lighter gauge string)
Leave the 5th string as it is.

This IS the correct tuning as Page Hamilton told this in an interview.  The tuning is something like open A7. 


  Play x 4

Main Riff 

  Play x 12             | Play x 4                 | Play x 8


  Play x 4

Solo - I've only tabbed the rhythm because like all helmet solo's they're just 
mental freakouts.

  Play x 8


  Play x 4                               | Play x 4


  Repeat until the end                      ^Depress whammy bar all the way!

And thats it.

If you have any comments or want any tabs, contact me at [email protected]

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