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The General Guitar Tablature
Author/Artist: Dispatch
Title: The General
Album: Bang Bang
Transcribed by: Guy Oldaker
Email: [email protected]

Hey, I saw the one bb post about dispatch songs, and the one version of "The General" you have is totally wrong. So here is the correct version. Enjoy
Intro: (Slight Distortion) **Yes Only If Playing Live LIKE Dispatch Does*
                                                    Repeat this once more     

The rest of the song is a basic chord progression, You pluck the root, then strum upwards on the top (E,B,G) 3 strings If you listen to the song you'll get it): Bb (hint: Play this Bb at the first and third fret, x13331), F, Cm, Gm, Eb (6th Fret), Bb (Hint: play this Bb at the sixth fret, 687866), F. The Chorus is just those chords again  but with out the pluck strum method happenin.

Eb: x68886
F: 133211

P.S. any corrections and/or Questions post on the BB or email me.
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