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Smoke on the water Guitar Tablature

This is another Smoke On The Water tab, honestly people whats the point of writing multiple copies of the same thing? Well here's my version, it's different because I tabbed out the keyboard part, because if you look hard enough you can find about 10 identicle verions of the guitar part. As for the chorus, It's a combination of bass and guitar, which is good for people who play by themselves.

Intro - Way 1

Intro - Way 2                              I know both ways are the same, but for 
|--------|------------|-------------|      beginners, this helps a little.

Keyboard Verse - Fool around with these chords, to hard to tab the strumming, but Ibet you can figure it out for youselves.

Chorus - Bass and all
            _____________________________ ____________
           |1.                           |2.    
|-o--5-----|---------------------------o-| Play Intro

Repeat and have fun, if you need the solo, lemme know, I've got part of it tabbed, just don't feel like posting it now, lemme know in corrections section if ya want it.
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